Camel Mining Products
Pioneers in Spiral Technology for over 40 years!
Camel Mining Products has been providing innovative tools and devices to the prospecting community since 1969. When you are looking for those tools to help you keep the gold you are working so hard to find, Camel Mining Products has just what you need. All of our products are made in the USA and we stand behind our products with a No Hassle warranty that we have been honoring for more than 40 years.
Our two flagship products, The Desert Fox & Mountain Goat Trommel, help the recreational prospector recover gold like a pro. Read on to learn more about these great tools and be sure to give us a call or drop us an email if you have any questions.
Your Friends at Camel Mining Products

Prospector Favorites
Both of these wonderful products have
been staples of the prospectors’ arsenal
for over 40 years!
Desert Fox Automatic Gold Panning Machine
Recover 50 times MORE GOLD with the Desert Fox Automatic Gold Panning Machine!
ANYONE who prospects and pans for gold can tell you that working concentrates down with a gold pan is slow tedious work. Not only that, but it’s hard on the back and legs, and the efficiency rate for gold recovery is low. A lot of the gold is lost washing over the side of the pan.
With the Desert Fox, you can work concentrates down much faster. Not only will your speed increase, your gold recovery and efficiency will improve by a factor of 50. That’s not a misprint! You will recover 50 times more gold with the Desert Fox than working by hand with a gold pan. More gold, less time, and a lot less work. And with the new proprietary variable speed model, you can adjust for maximum gold recovery no matter what type of material you are panning.
The Desert Fox spiral wheel has SEVEN separate spirals which pick up GOLD SEVEN times with each rotation of the wheel (105 times per minute). The seven spirals dump gold into the tube-shaft and into a hanging gold catch-cup. This method is far superior to other types of spiral wheels which do not pass the gold through the center of the wheel into a hanging cup. The Desert Fox wheel with its pitch adjustment and water spray system helps the operator “tune out” the black sand.
The Desert Fox is a compact, light-weight gold panning machine you can take anywhere. Weighing under 10 pounds even with a rugged folding stand, it folds up and stores neatly in its Action Packer tub. Operate it right out of the tub, or remove it from the case and use it in a stream. The Desert Fox is aptly named because it was designed to conserve water and will operate on just three gallons. It sets up quickly and easily and can run 70 pounds of concentrates in an hour–it’s both a separator and a concentrator in one self-contained panning machine. Recovers an amazing amount of flour gold so you never lose even the smallest pieces (which all add up!).
See the Desert Fox in action.
The Desert Fox is easy to Use… Fill the tank with 3 to 4 gallons of water… Hook the clips to your 12-Volt battery… Turn on the switch… The wheel starts to rotate and water sprays from the spray bar onto the wheel… Add a scoop of sand every 20 seconds… The GOLD settles to the bottom as the spiral turns and the seven spiral leads pick it up and elevate it to the center hole in the hub where it passes through the hollow shaft into a gold catch cup! It is as simple as that and so user-friendly that you will be an expert gold panner ten minutes after you have used the DESERT FOX for the first time.
Operates on any 12-volt 7-amp DC power source. Use an automotive battery or even a 35 watt solar panel. Ships complete with an easy-to-understand owner’s manual, but this machine is so easy to operate you won’t need it to become a pro! A bag of practice sand containing real placer gold is also shipped with every Desert Fox so you can get acquainted with your new machine and see how efficient and easy it is to use. The Desert Fox is also available with Variable Speed Control. This is the only spiral gold panning machine on the market with this feature! Desert Fox has a Five Year Limited WARRANTY direct from the manufacturer, the Desert Fox Automatic Spiral Gold Panning Machine has been manufactured by Camel Mining Products since 1969.
Standard Model: $420 • Variable Speed Model: $430
Head over to the Desert Fox page for more details about this great product.
Mountain Goat Trommel
Mountain Goat Trommel Speeds Up Gold Processing!
Speed up your gold processing work and increase gold recovery with the Mountain Goat Trommel. This machine is aptly named because it can eat almost anything and is light enough to carry up a mountain!
The Mountain Goat Trommel is a reverse helix system built on the same principle as the huge mining trommels used by large mining companies all over the world, but this is light and portable. It is not to be confused with gravel pit trommels, though, which are designed to classify gravels.
The reverse helix system came from the Archimedes Screw Pump invented over 2,000 years ago by the mathematician Archimedes. Someone discovered that the pump brought up GOLD along with the water they were pumping out of the Nile river!
The Mountain Goat is very efficient because the spiral riffles inside of the tube turn and bring the heavy materials up to the high end of the tube while allowing the lighter materials to flow out of the back of the tube as tailings. This system makes the trommel self-cleaning, which eliminates the need to break down for clean-up as is necessary with sluice box type equipment.
See the Mountain Goat Trommel in action.
The Mountain Goat Trommel is the perfect companion to the Desert Fox Spiral Panning Machine as it can directly feed the Desert Fox using the custom designed accessories making you a one-man small mining operation.